Digital oscilloscope
Maker Iwasaki Communication Equipment
Model DS-8706
Model year
External Dimensions W170 D70 H260
Exhibition hall Kyushu Technical Center
price Price on request
Inquiry Number NC0996
Mechanical Specifications
Vertical section (Y axis): CH1, CH2 common specifications
Sensitivity: 2mV/div to 5V/div
Accuracy: ±2%
frequency band:
5mV to 5V/div/DC to 100MHz -3dB
2mV/div/DC to 100MHz - 3.5dB
Horizontal section (X axis)
Sweep time: 10ns/div to 50ns/div
Sweep mode: AUTO, NORM, SGL
Power input: (AC adapter DS-555 used/included)
AC90V110V 50/60Hz
Output: 12V 1.5A

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