Draft chamber (etching)
Maker Orient Technology
Model ASD-500
Model year 2008
External Dimensions
Exhibition hall Enzan Technical Center
price Price on request
Inquiry Number GA0435
Mechanical Specifications
Branson 3-frequency ultrasonic transmitter S8580-12 included 80kHz 120kHz 170kHz Output 500W Number of driving elements 12 AC200V 1φ 5.0A Transmitter controller S8CIB Power supply AC100~200V 1φ 2.0A W1250 D1000 (including 1315 duct) H1990 (including 2150 power supply)
Sequencer, TP, software downloaded
Treatment tank 230×230×210
QDR tank 220 x 230 x 210
US tank 250×300×230

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